Research Limitations
It is necessary to mention that the size
of our data set is relatively small. When
all jobs were broken into year or other
groupings, the representatives of job
descriptions became limited. In a report
on skills, role, and career structure of data
scientists and curators, Swan and Brown
distinguished data-related roles into four
groups: data creator, data scientist, data
manager, and data librarian.46 In our
analysis, jobs are only separated for those
posted by libraries and those posted by
nonlibrary organizations because of our
narrower focus on social science data
professionals and a smaller number of
available data
Research LimitationsIt is necessary to mention that the sizeof our data set is relatively small. Whenall jobs were broken into year or othergroupings, the representatives of jobdescriptions became limited. In a reporton skills, role, and career structure of datascientists and curators, Swan and Browndistinguished data-related roles into fourgroups: data creator, data scientist, datamanager, and data librarian.46 In ouranalysis, jobs are only separated for thoseposted by libraries and those posted bynonlibrary organizations because of ournarrower focus on social science dataprofessionals and a smaller number ofavailable data
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