What are you doing , Cara ?
I'm texting maria. I haven't seen her all week, so I'm just saying "hi".
What thats beep ?
It's Maria. She just sent a text message back to me.
I don't understand. How on earth do you type what you want to say so quickly ?
You don't actually type the words out. You use abbreviations and acronyms. Hold on. I'll show you. Right now i'm asking if she wants to come over and hang out.
That's a lot to type.
Right. So instead i type DYWT come ovr. Does that make sence ?
DYWT ? What does that mean ?
DYWT means "Do you want to." It's the first letter of each word.
Oh. Ok. Now what ?
She'll respond in a second. (beep) There.
What did she say ?
(Spelling it out ) Gr8.B ovr n 10 mins.
I think I get it. She's saying, "Great. Be over in ten minutes." ?
Now you've got the hang of it, Grandma!