4.3.1 Thermal disinfection Thermal disinfection of the load and load carriers shall be deemed to have been achieved if,
when tested in accordance with 6.8.2 and the relevant subsequent parts of ISO 15883, the specified minimum
temperature for the specified minimum (holding) time, or the equivalent lethality (A0, see Annex B), is
achieved on all surfaces which are required to be disinfected. Thermal disinfection of the chamber walls shall be deemed to have been achieved if when tested
in accordance with 6.8.3 and the relevant subsequent parts of ISO 15883, the specified minimum temperature
is attained for the specified minimum time, or the equivalent lethality (A0), is achieved on all chamber walls. The temperature shall be continuously maintained within the specified disinfection temperature
band for the specified disinfection time.
NOTE Thermal disinfection can be achieved by exposure to hot water, steam or a combination of the two.