The small shrine beneath the roof-top pagoda.
From the ground, a wide stairway spirals up and around the sides of the mount. There are 318 steps .
The interior is a large, rather plain and undecorated room with windows along the outside walls while in the center lies the square outer walls of the shrine. A short stairway in the center of each side leads up to the shrine holding the Buddha relic, which lies directly under the chedi on the roof. The shrine is encased in many layers of gold leaf applied by the devout for more than 100 years.
The climb to the top of the mount
To reach the stupa on top of the Golden Mount requires a 318 steps climb up the hill. It takes just 10 to 15 minutes to reach the top. On one of the platforms on the way to the top you will find a line of large bells . If you will walk pass a line of large bells that can be rung for good luck.