Preparing for the midterm? Besides some good pens, pencils, correction fluid, and erasers you might need in the test room, here are my expectations.
1. You wrote about how you spent your time last summer and evaluated that experience (your thought) whether it was the professional training or your summer activities somewhere, not just what you did or what happened in your life.
2. You submitted all your drafts and a peer review form in the same packet.
3. You used appropriate sentence openers, time markers and those small words to make your paper worth-reading.
4. You were aware of the sentence structure and writing mechanic.
5. The term mechanic in writing includes matters such as usage and spelling, as well as hyphenation and the use of italics. Essentially, mechanics refers to a set of conventions--how to abbreviate and when to capitalize, for example.
6. You can identify the thesis statement, the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion.
7. You can understand all the questions in the midterm test.
8. You come to the test room fresh (get washed after a good night's sleep) and full (fill your stomach with healthy food before the test).