Caregivers: Remember your own health
When a loved one survives a
critical hospital stay, your focus
is likely that person’s recovery. But when
you’re that person’s caregiver, you may also
need to consider your own well-being. A
study published May 12, 2016, in The New
England Journal of Medicine suggests that
caregivers of certain intensive care unit (ICU) survivors
have a high risk for developing clinical depression
that can last up to a year after the ICU survivor
is discharged.
Researchers surveyed 280 caregivers (average
age 53) of people who’d spent a week or more on an
ICU ventilator. The caregivers answered questions
about their own psychological wellbeing
at one week after discharge, and
then at three, six, and 12 months after
discharge. Most caregivers—67%—
reported high levels of depression
symptoms initially, and 43% had
symptoms a year later.
The study doesn’t prove that caregiving caused the
depression. But other studies have shown that caregiving
can take a toll on a person’s physical, mental,
and emotional health. Researchers say caregivers had
better health outcomes when they were older, caring
for a spouse, had higher income, substantial social
support, and a sense of control.