ABSTRACT Thiscontributionlooksatthepossibilityofreplacingacid-thinnedcornstarchbychicoryinulinasgelling coagentsingummyjelliesmadewithgelatin.Acreamygelcouldbeformedafterstirring(70°C/10min) aninulin water solution(240 g kg−1) withoutpreviouscooking. Starch replacement byinulin(90 g kg−1 raw mass) injelliesprovideda slightly softer, springierand stickiertexture,enhanced strawberry, sweet and sour flavors, and hardly affected the red color. Inulin/Oligosaccharides remained without be degraded to free sugars in jellies after processing (mixing at 80°C and pH 3.2 for 5 min and further dryingat 30% relativehumidityand 25°Cfor 24h). Therefore, chicoryinulin acted asstable andneutral flavoring ingredient and can be used as gelling coagent to develop gummy jellies enriched in dietary fiber with potential prebiotic activity.