Convention or traditional practice will thus serve as a norm to guarantee that human relation and business transaction will go on smoothly. Deviation from the norm will generate conflict if not outright contention. It may sow the seeds of discontent which may escalate into a sour relationship in due course. This is common knowledge and hence human beings have devise ways and means to maintain a good interaction with a certain rule which is espous by most people who share a similar culture. This is important because cultures vary and hence value and norm vary. In a Western culture, privacy is important. One would not ask personal questions unless being close friends such as salary or some other personal questions whereas in Asian culture such questions would indicate interest and an attempt to show that the relationship is an intimate one. In having lunch together, in Asia, a senior person will foot the bill whereas there is a practice in the West known as “Let’s go Dutch,” meaning everybody helps in the payment of the meal. This is adopted in Thai society and it is known as “American share.” All these are examples of efforts to maintain a smooth relationship by a fair deal so that it will not lead to ill feeling.