Before proceeding further, it is necessary to explain why the Thaksin government
has employed business practices and prescriptions in government. Five reasons canbe provided for this emphasis. First, as the telecoms industry tycoon, Thaksin and
his Shinawatra family have become one of the richest families in Thailand. He and
his family have become extremely wealthy from their monopolies in the
telecommunications industry such as satellite businesses and mobile telephones. As
a very successful businessman, Prime Minister Thaksin should be able to use his
management skills in government affairs. He also has full confidence in the business
approach. Second, in his business empire, Thaksin is the owner and boss of all the
CEOs of his companies. As the Prime Minister, Thaksin should therefore be also
the top executive and act as the owner of the country so that he can use his business
skills for the benefit of the country. Running the government like a business also
means running the country as Thaksin wants