Lifestyle factors, prevention
and education
Lifestyle factors have significant impact on
constipation and haemorrhoids, with pregnancy
providing an optimal time to engage women
in discussions around the benefits of healthy
eating and risk minimisation of minor disorder
development. As well as maternal health benefits,
women may be further motivated when informed
and educated about the implications of diet and
nutrition on fetal health (Blinco, 2008). Vulnerable
women including those with low socioeconomic
status, certain ethic minorities, obesity issues,
and teenage pregnancy, are especially at risk of
suboptimal nutrition; midwives are well-placed
to provide additional information and support to
these women (Wyness, 2014).
Lifestyle factors, preventionand educationLifestyle factors have significant impact onconstipation and haemorrhoids, with pregnancyproviding an optimal time to engage womenin discussions around the benefits of healthyeating and risk minimisation of minor disorderdevelopment. As well as maternal health benefits,women may be further motivated when informedand educated about the implications of diet andnutrition on fetal health (Blinco, 2008). Vulnerablewomen including those with low socioeconomicstatus, certain ethic minorities, obesity issues,and teenage pregnancy, are especially at risk ofsuboptimal nutrition; midwives are well-placedto provide additional information and support tothese women (Wyness, 2014).
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