The world suddenly perish and all the adults dies. They're treated like livestock by the vampires. In this world where no future lies, they should beat up the vampires and build a human world here!
It’s that foolish, ridiculous splendid dream Yuu-chan’s smile speaks of that was the children’s emotional support.
I’ll guard it for their sake, no matter if I have to sell my blood, flesh, and body, that’s nothing.
"Well let’s go home already. If we’re late getting back then the children will worry.”
Mika said as he gets up.
“When Akane see our faces, she won’t stop nagging will she?”Yuu-chan voices out, frowning.
“It’s your fault.”
“Huh? You’re saying that again!?”
“Had you just hurl the rock at his head in the first place with one blow, you would have won!”
“If I did, he would have die!”
“You have to or they’ll get you! Isn’t this that kind of world now?”
“But, we’re humans aren’t we?”Yuu-chan said though it seems for a brief moment that mere thought before wrecked him.
Seeing that expression, Mika nodded.“Yeah”
“And the vampires are our enemy, right?”
“Uh huh”
“So then I guess it can’t be helped that humans competes among each other.”
“That’s right.”
But here humans killed humans.
These two have seen it alot.
They seen the groups of boys and girls in the neighborhood killing each other over trivial things while they struggled for food.