Sports Interactive do a good job of balancing depth with speed. While each have their own opinion on what the game should be the series has so far impressed with its detail yet suitability for the target audience. However with the depth there is quite a bit of complexity. No one man can know it all and the game isn't about that, the game is about knowing the core functions and then discovering your own techniques, methods and preferences.
The first task you are given is to pick a club to manage and with hundreds and hundreds of options of teams to choose who is the best? Well there are no right and wrong answers; you will hear this a lot in this guide, however some are a better option than others when you don't really know what you are doing and due to this you should definitely consider these teams. Lower League Management is regarded as harder due to a lack of quality and finances so if you are knew you may want to take this cautiously and not expect amazing results straight away.
After you have picked your first adventure now it is down to business. While you may just want to dive into the transfer market if you know the team your views may be different to the FMH scouts' so it is always better to check your players before and sort your team out and selecting your captain that will embody you on the pitch. Analysing your team, selecting their best roles and looking at the pros and cons of each formation to then create your tactic around your team and not make common mistakes that can hinder your progress. Next up is of course improving that team, there is of course no right and wrong answer just the best players for the situation to this as some go for youngsters, other go for bargains and dependent on budget some players like to splash the cash on the best. It is worth noting though that age is important in the game and can influence performances heavily though developing youth players is always a nice thing to do for longevity at a club with building for the future with evogens. With longevity at a club you can also look at making a profit or preserving your money by offering players you don't want in the transfer market, this is a popular strategy for ensuring extra transfer money and board happiness so you can make your transfer budget go further and sign them players you really want. Player development is very important too, players who may look average on paper or are young but have potential may go to the next level purely due to the training set up you employ. It is also good to consider that some players have special problems such as injury proneness and they will need a tailored made regime.
Now you should have your team set for the season, you have your transfers and tactic set up and your squad is good to go in order to challenge for your aim. You now may want to look at managing an international team alongside your club team or going for the unlockables. Though like in real life Football things don't always go to plan, players may start to hate one another, want a new contract or just generally be unhappy for various reasons and as the manager it is your job to solve this. A rotation policy is often a good idea if done sparingly (not your whole team at a time) though this is up to user preference and dependent on the match but not every match can run with no interaction from yourself. Picking your substitutes for every circumstance and then choosing who to substitute off at the right moment can not only swing a game in your favour but can result in the whole season changing dynamic due to a few extra points/wins.
By looking at a few key sections and mastering these in the game you can greatly enhance your results, this is what the guide has aimed to do for you. Using your instinct, personal choices and initiative can greatly immerse you in the game as long as you take everything into consideration. There is no right or wrong way to manage, there's no 'best' way either. As long as you are fair in your management style while still being in control the team will respect and play for you and this is important in order to succeed and keep your job. The above simply aims for you to be enlightened for you to take the next step up in management so you can learn your style and dominate World Football over and over again.
If you have any questions please feel to ask us on our forums and we will be happy to answer them. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and it has been helpful.