Measurements of heating value give 17,600 kJ/kg as the HHV of
the proposed biomass. The calculations for a typical plant in
Bushehr, southern Iran, showed that approximately 62 GWh
(with desalination) or 75 GWh (without desalination) of electrical
power are expected for the burning of 140,000 tons of date
palm waste per year, translating into 442 and 535 kWh per ton
of biomass, respectively. Considering the 180 million date palm
trees worldwide, more than 2600 GWh of electricity can be
obtained annually
Measurements of heating value give 17,600 kJ/kg as the HHV ofthe proposed biomass. The calculations for a typical plant inBushehr, southern Iran, showed that approximately 62 GWh(with desalination) or 75 GWh (without desalination) of electricalpower are expected for the burning of 140,000 tons of datepalm waste per year, translating into 442 and 535 kWh per tonof biomass, respectively. Considering the 180 million date palmtrees worldwide, more than 2600 GWh of electricity can beobtained annually
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