Back in the late 70's or early 80's, when I was a young teenager, I had gotten a book about the Bell Witch from my local library. I grew up in Western Kentucky, Murray. I had read almost half of it after a few days and had put it away to do other teenage stuff for a couple of days. One night my dog had wanted to go outside and we always put him on a chain before we opened the door because he had the habit of running away, I put the chain on him and opened the door to let him out and he wouldn't go out, in fact he backed over me trying to get back in. I looked up and saw a white figure float past the door, she had on a flowing white gown that was blowing even though there was no wind, her face, hair and gown were the same white color and as she went by the door she turned and looked at me and said my name very slowly. I gasped and my father asked what was wrong and I told him and we went outside and of course didn't find anything, we had a fence around the backyard that the dog could get under but it would have been hard for a person to. About and hour later I was walking through the house and something caught my eye from out in the road in front of the house. It was a solid white cat and it was sitting in the middle of the street just staring at our house. I took the book back the library the next day.
J. W