Life is a series of negotiations. As teenagers, we negotiated with our parents to borrow the family car or for an extended curfew. Today, we negotiate with our employers for better benefits; we negotiate with our spouse or partner for rights over the remote control to the television and we negotiate when we buy a car. We are always negotiating.
The point is clear, often times in order to receive what we want, we first must negotiate for it.
Here’s the rub though, many of us have never received any formal negotiation training. Unless you are an attorney or a salesperson, the art and skill of negotiation is an unknown or unperfected process. However, imagine how much more effective you would be, and perhaps happier and more successful, if you better understood how to improve your negotiation skills.
Negotiation is not about taking advantage of someone else. Just the opposite. Effective negotiation creates a win-win situation that can lead to better and longer-lasting partnerships and friendships founded on mutual respect and trust.
Effective negotiation is based on the following three factors. Understanding and controlling these factors will significantly improve your negotiation skills.
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