I would like apologize that I am so busy to inform you about our class. I am trying to finish scoring. Hopefully you all will know the scores this Monday. As Monday is a holiday, if you would like to withdraw, please do it on Tuesday. I will not be in the office on Monday. If you would like me to sign your form, please leave your paper on my table before 10.00 am Tuesady. I will be in my office around 10 a.m. and then I will be at the SALLC around 11 a.m. Then I will have a class from 12.00 to 6 p.m. On Wednesday, I will be in my office around 12.00-14.30. On Thursday, I will be in my office around 10.00-11.30 a.m.
English 2, please find the articles from http://library.mfu.ac.th/e_resource.php
Go to the library website, then e-resorces, then choose online database, then fill the key words and search for the articles. The articles should involve with your topic in your paragraph body. You should read page 123-132 to make good understanding. See you soon.
English 3, I am sorry that I cannot correct your questionnaires now. I think I can do it on Mondy. I try to finish the scores first in order to let the students who wants to know if they would like to withdraw or not. I can't help because I have been waiting for your questionnaires for two weeks. I am quite busy this time.