H.21 Develop an algorithm to produce a report listing the IDs of students enrolled in each class using the linked-list structure in Figure H-4.
H.22 Develop an algorithm to insert records into the structure in Figure H-4. The resulting structure should resemble the one shown in Figure H-5.
H.23 Develop an algorithm to produce a report listing the IDs of students enrolled in each class using the index structure shown in Figures H-8(a), H-8(b), and H-8(c).
H.24 Develop an algorithm to insert a record into the structure shown in Figure H-8(a). Be sure to modify both of the associated indexes shown in Figure H-8(b) and H-8(c).
H.25 Develop an algorithm to delete a record from the structure shown in Figure H-34, which shows a secondary key represented with a linked list. If all records for one of the credit- limit categories (say, $1000) are deleted, should the associated head pointer also be de- leted? Why or why not?
H.26 Develop an algorithm to insert a record into the structure shown in Figure H-34. Sup- pose that the new record has a credit-limit value different from those already estab- lished. Should the record be inserted and a new linked list established? Or should the record be rejected? Who should make that decision?