something to dull sad memories and clear the mind Of deep and fearful thoughts.
Perhaps you have some pleasant drug that takes away
The deep depression that drags down mind and feelings?
D: I'm afraid the patient must do that for herself.
[seyton returns with Macbeth's armour and begins to dress him in it]
M: Throw medicine to the dogs, I'll do without it.
Come put my armour on, give me my spear.
Get my men ready, Seyton. The thanes are leaving, doctor.
If you could find my country's sickness, doctor.
And with your cleansing drugs bring it to health again
My praise of you would echo round the world.
[To Seyton] Pull off that piece of armour.
[Then to the doctor]
What medicine could you use to get rid of the English ?
Have you heard they're here,good doctor?
D: Yes, my good lord. Your preparations make that clear to us.
M: Seyton, bring that piece of armour after me.
Death and destruction cannot make me fear
Till Birnam Wood is moved and find me here!
[Exit Macbeth and Seyton with his armour}
D: If could leave this cursed Dunsinane
Nothing on earth would bring me here again!