Another challenge faced during the development of the MR System was the realization of accurate alignment technology that enables the depiction of CG images in real-time at a specific location in the real-world environment based on the user's position and orientation. For example, when a CG object is rendered on top of a table, it may sink into the table or float above it if the real-world and virtual images are not aligned properly. The mixed reality world will appear unnatural if the MR System does not correct for changes in alignment.
Drawing from the company's image-processing technologies cultivated over many years, Canon overcame this issue by developing a high-precision, high-speed marker detection method. The video cameras employed in the HMD capture and read registration markers to calculate the exact position and orientation of the HMD. In addition, internal gyro sensors and optical sensors deliver further alignment accuracy. When creating a mixed reality environment, the MR System's dedicated calibration tool realizes greatly enhanced setting and calibration operational efficiency compared with previous methods, which were cumbersome and complicated.
This technological breakthrough has enabled substantial progress to be made in MR technology.