After the process of standardization, the maximum value of the various elements is 1, the minimum value
is 0, and the rest of the values are between 0 and 1.
Summing the product of the standardized values and their weights, the ecological and environmental
impact degree can be attained. The degree from 1970 to 1990s is 0.446, and the degree from 1990 to
2000s is 0.557. So the conclusion can be attained that the later (from 1990 to 2000s) impact of
reclamation is higher than the earlier one (from 1970 to 1990s). Contrasting with the trend of the extent of
reclamation, the impact on environment and ecosystem also presents a gradually increasing trend.
Among them, the habitat function and the production function are the two, which are the most severe
infected in all the functions. Reclamation changes the natural attributes of Jiaozhou Bay coastal
environment, making coastal habitat and the biological resources severely damaged, and the number of
species and representatives declines sharply. In addition, as the main tide area, reduced tidal volume is the
direct result of the reduction of Jiaozhou Bay area, and then affects the transport of pollutants, the
circulation of sea water level, velocity, and hydrodynamic condition [12]. So the reduced tidal volume
weakens the physical self-purification ability, which greatly reduces the regulatory function of the Gulf.