In this paper, a new Web-based system for training
students in the framework of teaching Digital Image
processing was presented. The novelty of the approach is that
it is centered on interactive analysis techniques which are
essential in a design context. Furthermore, the system tracks
and coaches the student through all the steps of his or her
reasoning path rather than just approving or disapproving the
final outcome. The main benefit is that the system
approximates a well-established method of providing practical
(homework) assignments enhanced by immediate
individualized feedback provided by a private tutor. Since
student reasoning is tracked very closely, the system can be
used to obtain valuable information for the tutor about
possible improvements in his or her teaching.
The system is a valuable complement to the traditional
homework assignments. The approach presented here might
also be extended to other subjects where similar reasoning
structures based upon schematic representations and algebraic
expressions are to be found. Other applications, such as
medical imaging, may be options for further development. At
present, suitable tools are being developed to facilitate the
introduction of new assignments and to follow the student