White is the color of innocence, purity and perfection. White, which
is Symbolically similar to silver, represents the lunar, feminine
aspects of receptivity, instinct, intuition and virginity. Virginity in
its truest metaphysical and alchemical aspect represents the
unadulterated (untainted) mind and spirit; it is the prima materia
(pure matter) and the prisca sapientia (pristine knowledge, or
Wisdom). It is for this reason that to have a Unicorn appear to us
is both a great honor and Divine Gift. For, as stated before, only the
pure of heart and virtuous of deed are deserving to have a Unicorn
appear to them.
White is the color of innocence, purity and perfection. White, whichis Symbolically similar to silver, represents the lunar, feminineaspects of receptivity, instinct, intuition and virginity. Virginity inits truest metaphysical and alchemical aspect represents theunadulterated (untainted) mind and spirit; it is the prima materia(pure matter) and the prisca sapientia (pristine knowledge, orWisdom). It is for this reason that to have a Unicorn appear to usis both a great honor and Divine Gift. For, as stated before, only thepure of heart and virtuous of deed are deserving to have a Unicornappear to them.
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