In some places, the sediment layer was accompanied by organic debris such as
remnants of palm trees, palm leaves and light weight woods. In other places, it was present with
broken shells (Fig. 2b). Deposits found at beaches of Barra Vieja, Pie de la Cuesta, El Carrizal
and La Barrita showed presence of organic debris and deposits at Pie de la Cuesta, La Barrita
and Barra de Potosi had abundant broken shells of marine origin. It was interesting to note that
the heavy minerals and organic debris were located at a farther place from the coast, whereas
the broken shells were found at a shorter distance. Both at Barra de Potosi and Barra Vieja,
heavy mineral enriched sediments and organic debriswereobserved atmaximumdistances
of 320m and 160 m, respectively (Jonathan et al., 2011).