The white-rot fungus, Trametes hirsute, was reported to degrade about 70% of endosulfan sulfate (initial concentration 10 uM) in 10 days. Plants have been shown to enhance the ability of competent microorganisms to degradation of organic contaminants by increasing the number and activity of competent micro-organisms in the rhizosphere, as well as improving the chemical and physical soil conditions. Most of the phytoremediation studies have used single plants. However, in the natural environment, the presence of mixed plants is the norm. Combined plant cultivation was found to be effective in remediating PAH-comtaminated soils. For example, planting with maize and ryegrass significantly enhanced the rate and extent of phenanthrene degradation . Phenanthrene concentreation was reduced from 52.53 to about 4.50, 4.15, and 1.00 mg kg in soil planted with ryegrass alone, maize alone, and a combination of ryegrass and maize, repectively, after 60 days of incudation