Wastewater Treatment and the Role of Laboratory Professionals.
Wastewater Treatment combines biological, Chemical, and physical unit processes to purity large volumes of sewage. Each unit processes-of based on a naturally occurring processes-targets contaminants in a unique way. By analyzing wastewater constituents at various stages of treatment. Laboratory professionals play a vital role in the efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants and, thus, help to protect the environment and public health.
This is the second article in a 3-part continuing education series on waste. Upon completion of this article the reader will be able to describe the basic processes used at wastewater treatment facilities prior to discharge of treated wastewater into a stream or river.
Few of us realize what happens to wastewater after we flush it down the drain. We know that a network of pipes under our streets eventually leads to a wastewater treatment facility; but how does a wastewater treatment facility work, and what happens to the water?
when wastewater is introduced into stream naturally occurring microorganism consume the organic waste material. The result is a decrease in the dissolve oxygen concentration caused by microbial respiration in the stream. Re-aeration the natural transfer of oxygen. between the air and lipid replaces the oxygen. But depending on the difference between the volumes of wastewater and stream oxygen may not be replaced quickly enough to overcome the depletion. If it is not the stream may become deoxygenated suffocating the aquatic organism.
Wastewater Treatment
The first underground drains or sewers were constructed by the Romans to provide a means to remove rainwater. Human waste, however was exclude from sewers until the late 19th century, when scientists discovered that contaminated water was related to the rapid spread of disease during the great epidemics.
Even then human waste transported in sewers was still not treated before it was discharged into streams. This resulted in aesthetic, health, and environmental problems because the uncontrolled discharge of wastewater surpassed the natural ability of waterways to maintain their purity. It was not until Koch and Pasteur announced their germ theory that wastewater treatment facilities came into being.
With the goal to improve water quality, modern wastewater treatment facilities take advantage of biological, chemical, and physical principles to accelerate natural processes under controlled conditions. Such treatment methods are known as unit processes. A typical plant uses many unit processes to remove specific contaminants before it discharge the treated water into waterway. A diagram of a typical treatment facility is presented in Figure 1.
Biological Processes
The most important biological method is the activate sludge processes. This unit process introduces naturally occurring microorganism to consume sludge contaminant, resulting in conversion of the remaining nonsettleable and soluble organic material into settleable organic material (Fig 2 and Fig 3).
The activated sludge processes works like the natural processes in a stream, although the former requires a smaller area. The processes takes place in a basin where controlled condition encourage the proliferation of microorganisms that consume organic contaminants. Oxygen is supplied for respiration, the pH is kept between 6.5 and 8.5, and nutrients are provided to maximize the microbial reproduction rate.
Activate sludge generally consists of bacteria,protozoa, rotifers, and somtimes nematodes.
Bacteria-the predominant microorganism-stabiliza the organic matter and form settleable aggregation of cella in suspension. Although all types of bacteria can be found in activated sludge, the nature of the organic material determines which genera will predominate.
As for the free swimming ciliated protozoa and rotifers, they improve the settleability of the activated sludge. Protozoa do not help to stabilize the organic material, but they feed on the bacteria that consume it. Rotifers devour larger fragments of the activate sludge, and their presence signifies a stable biological system.
Controlling population dynamics also contributes to the biological removal of ammonia. For example, aerobic nitrifying bacteria (Nitrosomonas species and Nitrobacter species) convert ammonia to nitrate. Other microbial groups are used in treating toxic organic materials as well.
The increased microbial more rapidly, producing activated sludge that can be settled by gravity in the final clarifier (Fig 4) To maintain the optimal microbial population, part of the settled activated sludge (in the clarifier) is returned to the basin, and another portion is wasted to prevent overpopulation.
chemical Processes.
chemical Processes unit processes include adsorption, disinfection, gas transfer, and precipitation. Treated wastewater must be disinfected before it is released into waterway. The traditional disinfectant is chlorine because it is toxic to microorganisms, soluble in water, and relatively inexpensive. But chlorine also has negative effects on aquatic organisms. In fact, its potential to from undesirable by-products has resulted in legislation to limit the amount of chlorine that can be discharged into waterway. Other ways to disinfect treated wastewater include ozonization, adding sulfur dioxide, and exposure to UV radiation.
Precipitation removes inorganic contaminants such as phosphorus, which treatment facilities are required of remove because it supports the growth of undesirable algae in waterways. One way to eliminate phosphorus is to add lime, aluminum sulfate ferric sulfate, or ferric chloride to wastewater. These compounds react to from phosphorus-containing precipitant that settle in the primary sedimentation basin or final clarifier. Precipitation can also be used to remove heavy metals.