But, for given n E N,we can always find a graph G with ch(G)- z(G) > n [?].
However, this is not true for planar graphs.
Therefore, the choosability of planar graphs is a special topic of interest.
Every planar graph is 6-choosable [?], and Alon and Tarsi [?] showed that every planar bipartite graph is 3-choosable.
In 1979, Erd6s et al. [?] conjectured:
1. every planar graph is 5-choosable,
2. there are planar graphs which are not 4-choosable.
The second conjecture was proved by the author in 1993 [?].
Hence, the investigation of the first conjecture gets a new importance. We will give an equivalent formulation of
this conjecture using the result that there are planar graphs which are not 4-choosable.