Honey if i can access my bank from here ,i would not have asked for your help but i am still active in the mission here but my General is a good man and he is willing to make sure i go to save our son. Honey you are the hope i have now . Honey i have enough money in my account but i can not access it because my mission here is not yet over . Please my love do what ever you can to get me out of here ,,,i don`t want to loose Felix and i also know you don`t want to loose Felix too.My hope is all on you now because the General is willing to help as soon as you have the money available .EricOn Wednesday, October 8, 2014 3:36 AM, krit2014 wrote:Eric. Why don't you try to reach your bank account via the Internet to be able to transfer to solve the problem, I understand that can do. You try your best love.Kritส่งจาก Samsung Mobile