Salt-acid sys tem has been proved to be of high ef fi ciency for silk fibroin dis so lu tion.
Us ing salt-acid sys tem to dis solve silk, na tive silk fi brils can be pre served in the re -
gen er ated so lu tion. In creas ing ex per i ments in di cate that ac quire ment of silk fi brils
in so lu tion is strongly as so ci ated with the degumming pro cess. In this study, the ef -
fect of so dium car bon ate degumming con cen tra tion on so lu tion prop er ties based on
lith ium bro mide-for mic acid dis so lu tion sys tem was sys tem at i cally in ves ti gated.
Re sults showed that the mor phol ogy trans for ma tion of silk fibroin in so lu tion from
nanospheres to nanofibrils is de ter mined by so dium car bon ate con cen tra tion dur -
ing the degumming pro cess. So lu tions con tain ing dif fer ent silk fibroin struc ture exhib ited dif fer ent rhe o log i cal be hav iors and dif fer ent electrospinnability, lead ing to
dif fer ent electrospun nanofibre prop er ties. The re sults have guid ing sig nif i cance
for prep a ra tion and ap pli ca tion of silk fibroin so lu tions.