Factors influencing the adoption of OVF
The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in the
Logistic Regression model characterizing the behavior of farmers
towards the adoption of OVF are shown in Table 3. The 2 loglikelihood
ratio (2LL) test revealed that this model fit the data
better than the other models with different set of independent
variables. The results of the goodness of fit test and other R2 test also
reinforced this finding. Overall, the model correctly predicted nearly
83% of the variation in adoption behavior of the sample farmers. The
result of the model also revealed that 11 variables positively influenced
the adoption of OVF with the other 10 variables having
negative influence (Table 3). However, only 6 of the 21 variables
were found to have significantly influenced the adoption of OVF.
Five of the six significant variables, namely: motivation by NGOs
and GOs, motivation by fellow farmers, women’s role in OVF,
training on OVF, and satisfaction with the price of organic vegetables,
had positive influence on the adoption of OVF (Table 3). This
indicated that the female farmers had the tendency towards
growing organic vegetables while also playing the lead role in
growing such vegetables. Likewise, the farmers who are satisfied
with the price of organic vegetables also had the inclination to grow
organic vegetables. The result also indicated the positive influence
of motivational and capacity building programs on the adoption
behavior of the farmers. Specifically, the farmers who have been
motivated to grow organic vegetables by the GOs, NGOs and fellow
farmers, and the farmers who had attended training courses, had
the tendency to grow such vegetables. As for the variables having
negative influence, infestation of the crops with insects had
significantly influenced the behavior of farmers towards adoption
of OVF (Table 3).