He looks handsome, he is young, he is rich. He makes you smile, and laugh.
Today I was thinking a lot about sending you the money you want.
Even if you promise to pay back, I was thinking, it is a gamble. Maybe you will take the money, and I will never see you, and never get repaid.
I don't know what the future will be, because I have never seen you, met you or know you.
At this time I only have your words, same as you only have my words.
But I think I proved more to you than you recognize. I don't have to say again about everything.
I am poor right now. But if you need the money, my love for you is so strong that I was going to send it to you, even that it means I will cancel my reunion, and if I can save again, I will go to Thailand in August or September for your birthday.
But again, I don't know. Will you still be chatting with me by that time, having never met me.
Or will you say, our goals are different, and walk away from me.