The settlement started only 6 months ago in real time. At first there was a lack of a lot of buildings and things weren't easy. However now things are different, many of the necessary buildings are available. Also the ones that are not available are quickly being built."
"When I started playing Royal Road, I chose Morata. Then listening to the stories about how the other cities were thriving, I was envious. But now I do not regret it one bit."
"Morata’s Players will improve more. In each hunting area in Central Continent there is a lot of competition, but here there’s exploration and competitive Quests. Although, hunting is a lot more dangerous. The danger is real. But I prefer to live a risky life with my fellow residents. "
"Why stay here and not go somewhere else? Because Morata is a lot of fun."
Morata established itself at a fearsome pace as a center of trade within the northern continent.
Users attributed this accomplishment to the leadership of the lord.
Being the Ruler of Morata, Players had the upmost respect for Weed.
Weed did not use city funds for personal reasons or try to create a slush fund to accumulate wealth.
"Every profession can realize their potential; technology, commerce, and art and culture has blossomed because the people's taxes has been correctly invested."
Users were growing in full swing, buildings were being built, and economic power had increased, thus tax income was also going up. In conclusion, this was the dream of the vicious lord!
However, there were also other Players who pointed their fingers and cited out the leadership problems of the Lord.
The cathedral was the culmination of the efforts of the Architects, Sculptors and Painters.
The chapel’s ceilings and walls had huge windows. It was difficult to find the mysterious and solemn atmosphere with the dark coated glass, which was why they asked to install stained glass.
As Painter’s painted the stained glass turning into the downward the passage of light which symbolized the divine power, the Charm of the picture displayed the combination of Architecture and Art.
Inside, the stairs were decorated with absolutely wonderful carvings and artwork.
Although the ability of the Sculptors, Painters, and Architects involved were not the best, everyone was going to give their best effort.