The subjects who saw the warm instructor rated his appearance, mannerisms,
and accent as appealing, whereas those who saw the cold instructor rated these
attributes as irritating These results indicate that global evaluations of a person
can induce altered evaluations of the person's attributes, even when there is
sufficient information to allow for independent assessments of them. Furthermore,
the subjects were unaware of this influence of global evaluations on
ratings of attributes. In fact, the subjects who saw the cold instructor actually
believed that the direction of influence was opposite to the true direction. They
reported that their dislike of the instructor had no effect on their ratings of
his attributes but that their dislike of his attributes had lowered their global
evaluations of him
The subjects who saw the warm instructor rated his appearance, mannerisms,and accent as appealing, whereas those who saw the cold instructor rated theseattributes as irritating These results indicate that global evaluations of a personcan induce altered evaluations of the person's attributes, even when there issufficient information to allow for independent assessments of them. Furthermore,the subjects were unaware of this influence of global evaluations onratings of attributes. In fact, the subjects who saw the cold instructor actuallybelieved that the direction of influence was opposite to the true direction. Theyreported that their dislike of the instructor had no effect on their ratings ofhis attributes but that their dislike of his attributes had lowered their globalevaluations of him
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