Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a common form of disease
affecting the heart and an important cause for premature
death. From the point of view of medical sciences, data
mining is involved in discovering various sorts of metabolic
syndromes. Classification techniques in data mining play a
significant role in prediction and data exploration.
Classification technique such as Decision Trees has been used
in predicting the accuracy and events related to CHD. In this
paper, a Data mining model has been developed using
Random Forest classifier to improve the prediction accuracy
and to investigate various events related to CHD. This model
can help the medical practitioners for predicting CHD with its
various events and how it might be related with different
segments of the population. The events investigated are
Angina, Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention (PCI), and Coronary Artery Bypass
Graft surgery (CABG). Experimental results have shown that
classification using Random Forest Classification algorithm
can be successfully used in predicting the events and risk
factors related to CHD.