1. turn on water bath - 37C, 40c, boiling water
2. sodium acetate buffer
a. prepare 50 ml 0.1M acetic acid (malinckrodt chemicals v193-45 lot# j) take 300 ul stock solution (B) and dilute to 50 ml in volumetric flask-> shake 20 times
b. prepare 50 ml 0.1M sodium acetate buffer ->take 2.05g,add to a beaker containing about 150 ml water- stir the solution on stir plate- transfer solution to 250 ml volumetric flask and add water till the mark-> shake 20 time
c. to make the buffer - add 42 ml of 0.1M acetic acid and 158 ml of 0.1M sodium acetate buffer-test for ph 5.2
3. hcl/
a. 50 ml 0.05m hcl solution -> take 88 ul hcl and dilute to 50 ml in volumetric flask -> shake 20 time
b. pepsin - take 7.9mg/tube +1.25ml0.05 M hcl
c. guar gum -25 mg/tube - weigh and keep aside
4. amy
a. pancreatin = o.5g