Excel Spreadsheet
Create a spreadsheet using the following information. You are the owner of a fruit
store, you have owned the fruit store for one complete year. Use the data below to
construct a spreadsheet to display the sales figures for the first year of operation of
your fruit store.
1) Enter the raw data below, applying as many presentation Features (Font, Font
Size, Font Colour, Number Formats and Colour, Cell Shading, Text Rotation,
etc) to it as you wish.
2) Apply appropriate number formats to your numbers.
3) Center your spreadsheet horizontally on the page
4) Give your spreadsheet an appropriate title and center it across your
5) Select the best page orientation for your spreadsheet.
6) Adjust the column width and row height to suit the layout you have selected.
7) Create formula's to calculate totals for each month.
8) Create formula's to calculate totals for each fruit item.
9) Setup an appropriate header for this spreadsheet.
10) Setup a page number for this spreadsheet and place it in the footer.
11) Create one graph to show all the sales data of all fruits. Make an analysis from
the graph.
12) Name your file: No_Name_lastname.xls
Apples Bananas
January 2298 January 6899.21
February 3512.56 February 6755.33
March 4929.67 March 6541
April 5883 April 6032.79
May 6237.77 May 5822.72
June 6566.78 June 5968
July 6213.88 July 6333.33
August 6001 August 6544.11
September 5799.69 September 6845.45
October 5527 October 7000.01
November 3914.55 November 7216.27
December 2564.99 December 7283
Oranges Kiwifruit
January 4923.88 January 3349.12
February 4444.99 February 3899.87
March 3851 March 4336ICT – Ms. Brooke Tiantong 2
April 3399.88 April 4892.01
May 3020.03 May 5217.97
June 3411.89 June 4764.10
July 3567.09 July 4523.22
August 3999.91 August 4501
September 4255.88 September 4219.91
October 4873 October 3877.49
November 5214.95 November 3712.12
December 5521.17 December 3555.56
Pears Grapes
January 3310 January 4847.23
February 4524.65 February 5361.58
March 5992.76 March 5899.24
April 6961.44 April 6853.01
May 7447 May 5471.34
June 7583.87 June 4534.22
July 7393 July 4222.83
August 7110.10 August 4137
September 6637.96 September 3998
October 6275 October 3556.36
November 4841.71 November 3111.44
December 3456.11 December 2789.74
Peaches Nectarines
January 5902.44 January 5310
February 7234.12 February 7772.71
March 5110 March 8219
April 3521.87 April 6989.33
May 1276.34 May 4535.52
June 1227.30 June 1873.38
July 1199.99 July 1198
August 1242.09 August 1241.63
September 1189.73 September 1187.57
October 1195.42 October 1222.21
November 1213.14 November 1432.43
December 1887.49 December 2137.78