The production of tomato and pepper fruit is of pathogens, known as biological control is now in practice
worldwide agricultural importance. Tomato (Lycopersicon [2]. It is accepted as a suitable and environmentally
esculentum) is one of the most popular and important friendly alternative or a supplemental way of reducing the
commercial vegetable crops grown throughout the world. use of chemicals in agriculture against plant disease
It is rich in vitamins A, B and C. In India, it occupies an management [3]. Biocontrol preparation of both fungi and
area of 0.54 million ha with a production of 7.60 million bacteria have been applied to seeds, seedlings and
tonnes. Many diseases and disorders can affect tomatoes planting media to reduced tomato wilt disease in the green
during the growing season. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. house and field condition with various degrees of
lycopersici (FOL) is a highly destructive pathogen of success. The purpose of the present work was designed
both greenhouse and field grown tomatoes in warm to evaluate the effect of Streptomyces griseus on the
vegetable production areas. The disease caused by this growth of tomato wilt pathogens as well as their effect on
fungus is characterized by wilted plants, yellowed leaves tomato wilt disease incidence under greenhouse
and minimal or absent crop yield. There may be a 30 to condition.
40% yield