Chitin and chitosan are natural and abundant polymers with immense structural possibilities for chemical and
physical modifications to engender novel properties, functions and applications, especially in environment and
biomedical areas.1
Despite its enormous availability, the use of chitin has been restricted by its intractability and
insolubility. Thus, for many applications chitosan present better performance, due higher basicity at amino
groups,3-6 which imply a correlation with the deacetylation degree (DD).7
Chitosan and chitin are linear copolymers
composed by (1 ൺ 4)-[2-acetamido-2-deoxy- -D-glucopyranose/2-amino-2-deoxy- -D-glucopyranose] units8
shown at Figure 1. Consequently, the amino/acetamido group ratio will define if the polymers are either as chitosan
or chitin forms.9
Despite chitosan occurs as a component of the cell wall of some fungi, it is generally produced by
carrying out the deacetylation of chitin, which is found in the shells of crustaceans, particularly lobsters, crabs and
shrimps.10 Due to its particular physical, chemical and biological properties chitosan has widespread applications in
the food industry,11 pharmacy and medicine,12,13 agriculture,14 and wastewater treatment.6,15,16 Also many further
modifications can be performed to improve and find out new uses in similar ways as observed for cellulose.17-19
Thus, this investigation consisted to determine the effect of chitin alkaline deacetylation at different conditions,
regarding the DD achieved, morphology, particle charge and crystallinity. Since deacetylation process is already
mastered by the industry, no study about these intermediate conditions were reported yet.
Chitin and chitosan are natural and abundant polymers with immense structural possibilities for chemical and
physical modifications to engender novel properties, functions and applications, especially in environment and
biomedical areas.1
Despite its enormous availability, the use of chitin has been restricted by its intractability and
insolubility. Thus, for many applications chitosan present better performance, due higher basicity at amino
groups,3-6 which imply a correlation with the deacetylation degree (DD).7
Chitosan and chitin are linear copolymers
composed by (1 ൺ 4)-[2-acetamido-2-deoxy- -D-glucopyranose/2-amino-2-deoxy- -D-glucopyranose] units8
shown at Figure 1. Consequently, the amino/acetamido group ratio will define if the polymers are either as chitosan
or chitin forms.9
Despite chitosan occurs as a component of the cell wall of some fungi, it is generally produced by
carrying out the deacetylation of chitin, which is found in the shells of crustaceans, particularly lobsters, crabs and
shrimps.10 Due to its particular physical, chemical and biological properties chitosan has widespread applications in
the food industry,11 pharmacy and medicine,12,13 agriculture,14 and wastewater treatment.6,15,16 Also many further
modifications can be performed to improve and find out new uses in similar ways as observed for cellulose.17-19
Thus, this investigation consisted to determine the effect of chitin alkaline deacetylation at different conditions,
regarding the DD achieved, morphology, particle charge and crystallinity. Since deacetylation process is already
mastered by the industry, no study about these intermediate conditions were reported yet.
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