Jun 2013 - Present 2014( 1 year 7 months )
Big C Supercenter Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Trading/Import/Export, Retail/Wholesale
Company Business: Big C Supercenter operates business in the form of "Hypermarket" or "Supercenter", a modern retail business which is managed under the umbrella of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries. Today, Big C has 2 Big C Jumbo, 15 Big C Extra, 104 Big C or a total of 121 branches, divided into 49 branches in Bangkok and the vicinity, 72 branches in the provinces
Number of Employees: 1000 up employees
Latest Position: Cluster Manager
Position : Sales: Cluster Manager
Subordinate: 200
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 65,000 Thai Baht per month
Start Position : Cluster Manager
Position : Sales: Cluster Manager
Start Salary: 63,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: I have managed and executed Mini Big C store around 12-14 stores and 150-200 subordinate in my area.
My responsibilities have 3 main parts which are involve of planning, managing, controlling&solving and coaching staffs, including
1. Part of Products or goods in stores which I need to learn and analysis product mix and shelf life of dry and fresh goods every stores in order to suitable our customer target group.Moveover I want to monitor every product catogories which is best seller and worth seller in order to push sales and control shrinkage and loss in stores. And I need to monitor promotion in store every week.
2. Part of store operation; I need to follow as our standard check list to cross check in every month which one is contibute the windows display, price, cleaning, schematic, facilities in term of selling and services, ect.
3. Part of staffs, which are store managers, assistant managers, sales staffs in stores. I have dutied for recruitment, teaching&coaching an
Reason for Leaving: Wish to get new career part and get new high level for executive position
Jan 2008 - Apr 2013( 5 years 4 months )
Petronas Retail (Thailand) Co.,Ltd, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Retail/Wholesale
Company Business: Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) was incorporated as a business entity on 17 August 1974. As the national petroleum company of Malaysia, PETRONAS owns, manages and adds value to the petroleum resources in the country and oversea. And Petronas Retail Thailand represents a significant inroad for PETRONAS into the international market. From our successful upstream ventures to downstream marketing of petroleum products, our presence in Thailand has allowed us to add value to our core business and at the same time contribute to the development of Thailand’s oil and gas industry.
The seeds of the Malaysia-Thailand partnership were sown in the late 1970s with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Prime Ministers of both countries to set up a joint administrative authority to develop natural resources in overlapping territories.
Number of Employees: 150-300 employees
Latest Position: Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Subordinate: 120
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 60,000 Thai Baht per month
Start Position : Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Start Salary: 40,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My responsibilities have 2 sections in the area manger position
Section 1 : To manage and control tasks of company's pump stations as following basic standard operation.
Section 2 : To be counselor for dealer's pump station in order to analysis profit & loss status.
So I have executed that is,
1.Push up sales results to achieve 100% against estimate of company every months.
2.Operate and control pump stations as following our service standards for selling pattern, visual merchisdising, stock management in stores, teach and control our store managers & sale staffs.
3.Create new activities and promotion on stores in order to add competitive chance.
4. Solve many problems in stores when sale results drop or not perform base on standard store operation.
5. Analysis any site performance which can get gross margin and EBIT.
6.To be counselor for our dealers about the retail business operation in pump station; example, I advise them to create sale volume and try to add new revenue
Achievement: 1. To be promoted to senior area manager in 2011
2. To be achieve sale volume againt target in 2010 and 2011
Reason for Leaving: Would like to get and learn new experiences and knowledges from other business. Especially I wish to use my experience to adapt and manage into new business.
Oct 2006 - Dec 2007( 1 year 3 months )
Bata Shoe of Thailand Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Retail/Wholesale, Clothing/Footwear/Garment
Company Business: Bata Thailand is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Organization, the world's largest footwear manufacturing and marketing organization. Started operation in Thailand in 1929, formed into a limited company in 1950.
Number of Employees: 300-500 employees
Latest Position: Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Subordinate: 80
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 48,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My position is district manager who take care central bangkok area in retail department of Bata Thailand.
That I have main responsibilities as detail below;
1. Push sale results of Bata stores in central bangkok everyday.
2. Manage and solve every problems in stores such as products, store operation, store managers and sale staffs.
3. Motivate and set up new activities for store managers and sale staffs
4. Analysis and planning for new marketing on stores.
5. Expand market share by new stores openning every year as following estimate of company.
6. Find and contact new location for fairs openning every months in order to clear reduction stocks.
Achievement: 1. Achieve sale results every months as following estimate of company.
2. To be district manager who take care top stores of Bata Thailand.
3. Achieve to open new stores and new fairs in bangkok.
4. To be the best of district manager in season 1' 2007
Reason for Leaving: To find new experience and take my knowledge to improve and develop other classify business
Sep 2004 - Sep 2006( 2 years 1 month )
Bata Shoe of Thailand Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: I.T. - Software/Telecommunication
Company Business: Bata Thailand is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Organization, the world's largest footwear manufacturing and marketing organization. Started operation in Thailand in 1929, formed into a limited company in 1950.
Number of Employees: 300-500 employees
Latest Position: Buyer
Position : International Trade: Foreign Purchasing Executive
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 25,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My position is buyer who take care the sports shoe category under "POWER" Brand.
I have responsibilities 2 main parts as follows;
Part 1 : Oversea
1.1 New products development with our Bata International Procurement Center at China.
1.2 Find new sourcing in oversea such as Malaysia, Veitnam, China. etc.
1.3 Contact and Negotiate about the detail of purchasing that is price, payment term, delivery date and production capacity.
1.4 Issuing the official purchase order and packing instruction for supplier.
Part 2 : Local
2.1 Analysis, Planning and Control our products in term of sales and stocks accord with estimate of company.
2.2 Manage and Solve problems of products such as repeat order for best seller and reduction for worst seller every month.
2.3 Goods distribution to our retail stores which there are more 200 branchs in Thailand
2.4 Pass new technology knowledge of products and new marketing con
Achievement: Part 1 : Oversea
To be participant for Winning Merchasdizing Course of Bata International at Singapore during April 11-17, 2005 and December 8-14,2005
To be participant of Thailand to join the sport shoes purchasing meeting at Bata International Procurement Center in China every 3 months.
Part 2 : Lacal
To be coordinator with the olympic committe of Thailand because BATA is the official sponser of Thai National Team during 2005-2008
Doing sport activities example the 23th Power Volleyball Tournament, Power Running and Aerobic at Bangkok every year.
Reason for Leaving: To find new experience and take my knowledge to improve and develop other classify business
Jun 2004 - Aug 2004( 3 months )
A&L Computer Co.,Ltd, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Trading/Import/Export
Company Business: My company is executive about hardware and software by distributor in Thailand.
Number of Employees: 100-150 employees
Latest Position: Import/Export Officer
Position : Logistic/Transportation: Import/Export Officer
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 10,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: 1. coordinate to clear the import shipment and arrange the shipping documents.
2. provide the report of return goods and consider the duty import.
1. Strategic thinker
2. Team builder
3. Skillful at managing people
4. Enjoy working under pressure
5. Flexible / Adaptable
Other competencies :
Able to set priorities, Good interpersonal skills, Aggressive, Ambitious / Achievement-oriented
Listening: Pop, Classical
- Strings: Guitar
Sports: Swimming
Outdoor activities:
Jet Ski
Other hobbies:
Ranked Favourite Interests/Hobbies
(Maximum Top 5)
2. Pop 3. Football/Soccer 4. Trekking/Camping 5. Guitar
© Top Gun Co. Ltd.
Jun 2013 - Present 2014( 1 year 7 months )
Big C Supercenter Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Trading/Import/Export, Retail/Wholesale
Company Business: Big C Supercenter operates business in the form of "Hypermarket" or "Supercenter", a modern retail business which is managed under the umbrella of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries. Today, Big C has 2 Big C Jumbo, 15 Big C Extra, 104 Big C or a total of 121 branches, divided into 49 branches in Bangkok and the vicinity, 72 branches in the provinces
Number of Employees: 1000 up employees
Latest Position: Cluster Manager
Position : Sales: Cluster Manager
Subordinate: 200
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 65,000 Thai Baht per month
Start Position : Cluster Manager
Position : Sales: Cluster Manager
Start Salary: 63,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: I have managed and executed Mini Big C store around 12-14 stores and 150-200 subordinate in my area.
My responsibilities have 3 main parts which are involve of planning, managing, controlling&solving and coaching staffs, including
1. Part of Products or goods in stores which I need to learn and analysis product mix and shelf life of dry and fresh goods every stores in order to suitable our customer target group.Moveover I want to monitor every product catogories which is best seller and worth seller in order to push sales and control shrinkage and loss in stores. And I need to monitor promotion in store every week.
2. Part of store operation; I need to follow as our standard check list to cross check in every month which one is contibute the windows display, price, cleaning, schematic, facilities in term of selling and services, ect.
3. Part of staffs, which are store managers, assistant managers, sales staffs in stores. I have dutied for recruitment, teaching&coaching an
Reason for Leaving: Wish to get new career part and get new high level for executive position
Jan 2008 - Apr 2013( 5 years 4 months )
Petronas Retail (Thailand) Co.,Ltd, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Retail/Wholesale
Company Business: Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) was incorporated as a business entity on 17 August 1974. As the national petroleum company of Malaysia, PETRONAS owns, manages and adds value to the petroleum resources in the country and oversea. And Petronas Retail Thailand represents a significant inroad for PETRONAS into the international market. From our successful upstream ventures to downstream marketing of petroleum products, our presence in Thailand has allowed us to add value to our core business and at the same time contribute to the development of Thailand’s oil and gas industry.
The seeds of the Malaysia-Thailand partnership were sown in the late 1970s with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Prime Ministers of both countries to set up a joint administrative authority to develop natural resources in overlapping territories.
Number of Employees: 150-300 employees
Latest Position: Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Subordinate: 120
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 60,000 Thai Baht per month
Start Position : Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Start Salary: 40,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My responsibilities have 2 sections in the area manger position
Section 1 : To manage and control tasks of company's pump stations as following basic standard operation.
Section 2 : To be counselor for dealer's pump station in order to analysis profit & loss status.
So I have executed that is,
1.Push up sales results to achieve 100% against estimate of company every months.
2.Operate and control pump stations as following our service standards for selling pattern, visual merchisdising, stock management in stores, teach and control our store managers & sale staffs.
3.Create new activities and promotion on stores in order to add competitive chance.
4. Solve many problems in stores when sale results drop or not perform base on standard store operation.
5. Analysis any site performance which can get gross margin and EBIT.
6.To be counselor for our dealers about the retail business operation in pump station; example, I advise them to create sale volume and try to add new revenue
Achievement: 1. To be promoted to senior area manager in 2011
2. To be achieve sale volume againt target in 2010 and 2011
Reason for Leaving: Would like to get and learn new experiences and knowledges from other business. Especially I wish to use my experience to adapt and manage into new business.
Oct 2006 - Dec 2007( 1 year 3 months )
Bata Shoe of Thailand Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Retail/Wholesale, Clothing/Footwear/Garment
Company Business: Bata Thailand is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Organization, the world's largest footwear manufacturing and marketing organization. Started operation in Thailand in 1929, formed into a limited company in 1950.
Number of Employees: 300-500 employees
Latest Position: Area Manager
Position : Sales: Area Manager
Subordinate: 80
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 48,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My position is district manager who take care central bangkok area in retail department of Bata Thailand.
That I have main responsibilities as detail below;
1. Push sale results of Bata stores in central bangkok everyday.
2. Manage and solve every problems in stores such as products, store operation, store managers and sale staffs.
3. Motivate and set up new activities for store managers and sale staffs
4. Analysis and planning for new marketing on stores.
5. Expand market share by new stores openning every year as following estimate of company.
6. Find and contact new location for fairs openning every months in order to clear reduction stocks.
Achievement: 1. Achieve sale results every months as following estimate of company.
2. To be district manager who take care top stores of Bata Thailand.
3. Achieve to open new stores and new fairs in bangkok.
4. To be the best of district manager in season 1' 2007
Reason for Leaving: To find new experience and take my knowledge to improve and develop other classify business
Sep 2004 - Sep 2006( 2 years 1 month )
Bata Shoe of Thailand Public Company, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: I.T. - Software/Telecommunication
Company Business: Bata Thailand is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Organization, the world's largest footwear manufacturing and marketing organization. Started operation in Thailand in 1929, formed into a limited company in 1950.
Number of Employees: 300-500 employees
Latest Position: Buyer
Position : International Trade: Foreign Purchasing Executive
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 25,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: My position is buyer who take care the sports shoe category under "POWER" Brand.
I have responsibilities 2 main parts as follows;
Part 1 : Oversea
1.1 New products development with our Bata International Procurement Center at China.
1.2 Find new sourcing in oversea such as Malaysia, Veitnam, China. etc.
1.3 Contact and Negotiate about the detail of purchasing that is price, payment term, delivery date and production capacity.
1.4 Issuing the official purchase order and packing instruction for supplier.
Part 2 : Local
2.1 Analysis, Planning and Control our products in term of sales and stocks accord with estimate of company.
2.2 Manage and Solve problems of products such as repeat order for best seller and reduction for worst seller every month.
2.3 Goods distribution to our retail stores which there are more 200 branchs in Thailand
2.4 Pass new technology knowledge of products and new marketing con
Achievement: Part 1 : Oversea
To be participant for Winning Merchasdizing Course of Bata International at Singapore during April 11-17, 2005 and December 8-14,2005
To be participant of Thailand to join the sport shoes purchasing meeting at Bata International Procurement Center in China every 3 months.
Part 2 : Lacal
To be coordinator with the olympic committe of Thailand because BATA is the official sponser of Thai National Team during 2005-2008
Doing sport activities example the 23th Power Volleyball Tournament, Power Running and Aerobic at Bangkok every year.
Reason for Leaving: To find new experience and take my knowledge to improve and develop other classify business
Jun 2004 - Aug 2004( 3 months )
A&L Computer Co.,Ltd, , Bangkok , Thailand
Company's Industry: Trading/Import/Export
Company Business: My company is executive about hardware and software by distributor in Thailand.
Number of Employees: 100-150 employees
Latest Position: Import/Export Officer
Position : Logistic/Transportation: Import/Export Officer
Job Type :Full Time
Latest Salary : 10,000 Thai Baht per month
Responsibilities: 1. coordinate to clear the import shipment and arrange the shipping documents.
2. provide the report of return goods and consider the duty import.
1. Strategic thinker
2. Team builder
3. Skillful at managing people
4. Enjoy working under pressure
5. Flexible / Adaptable
Other competencies :
Able to set priorities, Good interpersonal skills, Aggressive, Ambitious / Achievement-oriented
Listening: Pop, Classical
- Strings: Guitar
Sports: Swimming
Outdoor activities:
Jet Ski
Other hobbies:
Ranked Favourite Interests/Hobbies
(Maximum Top 5)
2. Pop 3. Football/Soccer 4. Trekking/Camping 5. Guitar
© Top Gun Co. Ltd.
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