Wheat is one of the most important food crops for human beings,
and more than one third of the world population consume wheat as a
principal food. Preservation of wheat kernels for long-term storage
has always been a challenge due to insect attack, which has resulted
in significant economic loss. Another problem associated with wheat
kernels storage is the putrefactive spoilage caused by fungi, especially
in some areas with high relative humidity. Some of the fungi can produce
mycotoxin which would not only cause serious quality loss, but
also food safety concern. Many methods have been studied to control
the insects and reduce the number of fungi colony inside the food
crops, including conventional heat treatment, chemical fumigation,
and irradiation. Conventional food treatment can kill some insects and
reduce the number of fungi colony by properly controlling temperature
Wheat is one of the most important food crops for human beings,and more than one third of the world population consume wheat as aprincipal food. Preservation of wheat kernels for long-term storagehas always been a challenge due to insect attack, which has resultedin significant economic loss. Another problem associated with wheatkernels storage is the putrefactive spoilage caused by fungi, especiallyin some areas with high relative humidity. Some of the fungi can producemycotoxin which would not only cause serious quality loss, butalso food safety concern. Many methods have been studied to controlthe insects and reduce the number of fungi colony inside the foodcrops, including conventional heat treatment, chemical fumigation,and irradiation. Conventional food treatment can kill some insects andreduce the number of fungi colony by properly controlling temperature
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