previously reported
that 1-MCP was as effective as STS in
preventing petal and bud abscission and flower
senescence in begonia, miniature roses, and
kalanchoe. The plants in these studies were
treated with 6 to 20 nL·L–1 1-MCP gas for 6
h. Preliminary experiments with 10 and 50
nL·L–1 1-MCP were not effective at reducing
petal abscission when geranium florets were
exposed to ethylene (data not shown). The
concentrations used in the experiments presented
in this paper were chosen because they
are the labeled rates indicated for 1-MCP as
marketed to the floral trade. Geraniums are
more sensitive to ethylene and as such may
require a higher dosage of 1-MCP to protect
them from ethylene damage.