Various extensions of GPRS over public data networks is
needed when requirements to transport data packet over
cellular systems are being developed. Furthermore, due to
introduction of high bandwidths on public networks, the
optical transport technology is deployed and used. The
extension of GPRS over optical networks becomes important.
This paper proposed a solution of this extension. That is to use
optical VPNs to interconnect GPRS support nodes. A
characteristic of GPRS is to carry mobile communications.
Therefore, OVPNs used to support the GPRS must be
dynamic and flexible. This arises many new requirements to
dynamically provide and manage OVPNs. In fact, a perfect
solution to this problem is hard to reach. A compromised
solution becomes acceptable. This paper also presented the
prediction of changes and the reconfiguration of serving
OVPN using intelligent agent technology. The implementation
and evaluation of these solutions are still under development
in our research group.