The 1920s are often called the roaring twenties. With dancing, jam, the first talking movies- America was an exciting place. And nowhere was more exciting than New York. From 1920 to 1933 people could not make or sell alcohol in New York but of course you could find it in dark streets or behind the doors of small clubs. In 1930 the Chrysler Building opened, then the Empire State Building in 1931 For many years, it was the tallest building in the city until 1972, when the World Trade Center was built. The two skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, on Church Street and Liberty Street, were the tallest buildings in New York. There were more than one hundred floors. with offices shops, and restaurants inside. The Windows on the World restaurant was anc of the most famous restaurants the city Bur on 11 September, 2001- 9/11" to Americans everything changed. Ar s 46 am. on that day an American Airlines plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later, at 9.03 a m., a United plane crashed into the South Tower Nobody can forget 9 11. People all across the world watched on TV and saw the last minutes of the two big towers. Thousands of people died in and near the Center, Today this place is called Ground zero. Many visitors tr New York like to go there and remember 9/11. It is one more story one of the unhappiest stories- from this c