To better determine the wound boundary and classify wound
tissues, researchers have applied image segmentation and supervised
machine learning algorithm for wound analysis. A French
research group proposed a method of using a support vector
machine (SVM)-based wound classification method [10], [11].
The same idea has also been employed in [12] for the detection
of melanoma at a curable stage. Although the SVM classifier
method led to good results on typical wound images [10], it is
not feasible to implement the training process and the feature
extraction on current smartphones due to its computational demands.
Furthermore, the supervised learning algorithm requires
a large number of training image samples and experienced clinical
input, which is difficult and costly.
Our solution provides image analysis algorithms that run on
a smartphone, and thus provide a low cost and easy-to-use device
for self-management of foot ulcers for patients with type 2
diabetes. Our solution engages patients as active participants in
their own care, meeting the recommendation of the Committee