1. Introduction
Cyanamide (Fig. 1) was first obtained by Bineau [1] from
cyanogen chloride and ammonia in 1838. The first real source
for cyanamide was found by Caro and Frank [2] by developing a
process for calcium cyanamide starting from calcium carbide in
1895. However, the problem of low stability of aqueous cyanamide
solutions (Cyanamide L 500) was first solved by Süddeutsche
Kalkstickstoffwerke AG, Germany (current name: AlzChem Trostberg
GmbH), 1965 in technical scale [3,4]. Some years later a
technical process for stabilized solid cyanamide (Cyanamide F
1000), was established and its stability increased continuously.
Cyanamide is shipped and used worldwide in large quantities
and therefore the riskless transport is important for quality
and safety reasons. According to the UN Recommendations on the
Transport of Dangerous Goods [5] no person may offer or accept
dangerous goods for transport, unless those goods are properly
classified, packaged,marked, labeled, placarded, described and certified
on a transport document, except if otherwise provided in these regulations. Consequently, it had to be decided whether the
previous assignment of cyanamide as merchandise to Class 8 is still
possible or is a classification as a self-reactive substance of Division
4.1 more appropriate and under which conditions the transport is
safe particularly in tanks. The UN Manual of Tests and Criteria [6]
contains a number of testmethods to determine the hazard potential
(e.g. explosive properties, thermal stability and vent sizing test)
of a substance or formulation. On the basis of the obtained test
results a final decision wasmade. The object of this paper is to give
information about the properties of cyanamide and the correct classification
according to the UN Recommendations on the Transport
of Dangerous Goods.
1. IntroductionCyanamide (Fig. 1) was first obtained by Bineau [1] fromcyanogen chloride and ammonia in 1838. The first real sourcefor cyanamide was found by Caro and Frank [2] by developing aprocess for calcium cyanamide starting from calcium carbide in1895. However, the problem of low stability of aqueous cyanamidesolutions (Cyanamide L 500) was first solved by SüddeutscheKalkstickstoffwerke AG, Germany (current name: AlzChem TrostbergGmbH), 1965 in technical scale [3,4]. Some years later atechnical process for stabilized solid cyanamide (Cyanamide F1000), was established and its stability increased continuously.Cyanamide is shipped and used worldwide in large quantitiesand therefore the riskless transport is important for qualityand safety reasons. According to the UN Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods [5] no person may offer or acceptdangerous goods for transport, unless those goods are properlyclassified, packaged,marked, labeled, placarded, described and certifiedon a transport document, except if otherwise provided in these regulations. Consequently, it had to be decided whether theprevious assignment of cyanamide as merchandise to Class 8 is stillpossible or is a classification as a self-reactive substance of Division4.1 more appropriate and under which conditions the transport issafe particularly in tanks. The UN Manual of Tests and Criteria [6]contains a number of testmethods to determine the hazard potential(e.g. explosive properties, thermal stability and vent sizing test)of a substance or formulation. On the basis of the obtained testresults a final decision wasmade. The object of this paper is to giveinformation about the properties of cyanamide and the correct classificationaccording to the UN Recommendations on the Transportof Dangerous Goods.
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