Exhibit A - Evaluation Plan and Performance Log
Weekly Performance Log Form
On a weekly basis during the length of the Beta Test, the primary operator of the Beta Test shall complete a weekly log. If more than one operator uses the system, the primary operator may solicit comments from all operators and consolidate the information into one log, or each individual operator may complete an individual log. Please return log to Entrust Datacard on a weekly basis.
Customer Location:
Reported By: Date:
Software & Version:
1. Was this production run scheduled? Yes No Hours of Operation:
2. Number of cards and forms produced:
3. % of cards and forms that were acceptable:
4. Describe the software/hardware environment in detail (e.g. capture devices, operating system version, database type, etc.). Please use the same description for each of the weekly reports for all four weeks unless software/hardware environment changes.
5. Describe the features/functions used during the week (in detail):
6. Describe and Comment on hardware and supplies problems encountered (if applicable):
7. Describe and comment on software problems encountered (if applicable):
8. Describe and comment any service/maintenance performed (if applicable):
9. Describe and comment on any usability items or suggestions for improvement:
10. Additional suggestions or comments:
Please email to appropriate beta support contact: kirsten.mcduffie@entrustdatacard.com
Entrust Datacard Corporation * 1187 Park Place * Shakopee, MN 55379