mr. Parker, would you tell me what's the difference among the food-selling places?
In general, there are three levels of food-selling places. They are cafeteria, food-stand,and the restaurant
what's the restaurant like
cafeteria is the place for selling common foods and drinks inside a hotel,shopping complex, school, university,etc
Is it expensive to eat there ?
No, not too expensive to eat there because you have to serve yourself. That means you have to carry the foods to your table.
are service or waitresses there?
No, but there are some cafeteria to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some food-stand to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some waiters to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some restaurant to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some expensive to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some cheap to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
No, but there are some busboys to clean and set up the table when you have finished your eating
I see, then what's the food-stand like?
I see, then what's the cafeteria like?
I see, then what's the waiters like?
I see, then what's the restaurant like?
this kind of food-shop is very popular today because the cheap could save both time and money