The sampling stations for deployment of MIK-nets (scyphomedusae
samples) and CTD casts were not identical (Fig. 1). 48 stations
were common to both sampling gears and matching jellyfish
catches with CTD casts was straightforward (n ¼ 48 records). 69
jellyfish sampling stations were localised at mid-distance of 2 CTD
sampling stations; in this case the jellyfish catch was associated
with the mean value from the two corresponding CTD profiles. In
other cases (n ¼ 95), the MIK net station was much closer to a single
CTD station than another one; in these cases the value from the
closest CTD profile was directly match to the jellyfish record (distances:
90th percentile ¼ 6.5 km, max distance ¼ 21.7 km). Finally,
25 jellyfish catches could not be satisfactorily associated with a CTD
profile (e.g. sampling stations outside sampling grid of CTD, or
failure of the CTD) and were excluded from the environmental
analysis. Elapsed time between the jellyfish sampling and corresponding
CTD cast ranged from