Mala,the Mala is very common among most Tibetans, used to focus ones' mind on the recitation of mantras. A full-length Tibetan mala is usually comprised of 108 plus a guru bead. The reason for this is simply that the easiest manner in which to count mantras is in groups of 100. The 8 extra beads are to compensate for any counting errors or omissions during mantra repetition, as well as to provide extra beads should any get lost if the mala string breaks. These beads can be used for divination purposes. There are a few variations of divination using mala beads. Visualise your question and seize the tenwa in both hands. Count off the beads by threes moving towards each hand. You will be left with either one, two or three beads. The procedure is repeated once more. If one bead is left it is called a "falcon" — a positive sign showing good luck, success and support, success in legal affairs. If two beads are left it is called a "raven" — a negative sign showing bad luck, misfortune and lack of support and illness. If three beads are left it is called a "snow lion" — a sign that indicates that that although you supported by the deities, you can expect slow but stable accomplishments, but neutral results in business, weakness on the part of your enemies.