The study provides the following recommendations. First,
Agricultural products are highly seasonal and vulnerable to
spoilage. To avoid high cost of raw materials during off-season,
fruit juice processors should manufacture adequate volume
of processed products to avoid stock-out. This equalizes
the supply and demand of both raw and processed products.
Second, enhanced efforts for market expansion should be
done to help fruit juice processors sell their products especially
outside the area of production (i.e., Kasoa). In this respect,
conducting trade fairs and exhibitions are found to be
effective in the introduction stage of these products. However,
market linkages to potential outlets should be strengthened to
sustain the fruit processing industry in the production area.
Third, Food research institute should provide the expertise
that would educate fruit juice processors on how to prolong the shelf life of their products. Fourth, initial capital cost appears
high; therefore, the government should provide loan
schemes for fruit juice processors to enable them acquire the
capital equipment needed for production.