For the culture medium in the present work, MS medium (4) was selected. Bulb scales were sterilized with Clorox on various concentration. The result showed that Clorox 30% could sterile bulb scales about 62%. Although, according to the published data, the different tissue culture media have not been compared in terms of growth of lilies, the MS medium is mostly used. In some cases, Nitsch’s (5), White’s (6) and Kao’s
(7) media have been used for germination, embryo and protoplast cultures due to their low ammonium concentration, which may be harmful for susceptible tissues or cells. Also the strengths of the media have been altered for these purposes. Increasing the medium strength has been proved to have an enhancing effect on bulblet formation (8). Growth regulators have a very important role in both induction of differentiation and in growth.